ARE YOU ATTENDING THE SERVE CHALLENGE? There is no cost to attend…we simply ask that you tell us you are coming! REGISTER NOW FOR THE MAY 24, 2025 Serve Challenge! Participants Name * First Name Last Name Parent or Participants Email * This is so we can communicate with you Age * How old are you (the participant)? 10 or Under 10 10-14 yrs. old 15-18 yrs. old Over 18 yrs. old Skill Level of Attendee We welcome all skill levels from Beginner to Advance...we simply are looking to know what type of players are attending. Beginner (Junior) Intermediate (Junior) Advance (Junior) Beginner (Adult - New to the game) Intermediate (Adult 2.5-3.5 USTA Ranking) Advance (Adult 3.5+ USTA Ranking) Photo/Video Event Waiver * Photograph or Video may be taken at this event for the purpose of promoting this event, the promoter BAM FIT Tennis, Watering Seeds and the special guest Roscoe Tanner. Possible publication of these images may include, the quarterly newsletter The Leaves of Fall Creek, in emails to residents or other mediums. I as parent and/or legal guardian hereby allow photographs/videos of my child to be taken and used in this manner subject to standard photo editing. Yes- I acknowledge and accept No "No" on the Waivers Should you option "No" on the waiver, you may attend but it is the participants responsibility to step out of the camera's line of sight. Should you not be able to do such, then we recommend you do not attend due to the nature of this event. Thank you! See you Saturday, Nov. 11th at Fall Creek Tennis.Now is the time to register for Your Community Challenge: Click Here REGISTER FOR THE COMMUNITY PORTION OF THE SERVE CHALLENGE Register for Community Challenge