Charity Jackpot Open Barrel Racing, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling Benefitting Watering Seeds Organization
Not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. When Scooter, Canted Plan Professional Steer Wrestling Horse, won the title of 2018 Steer Wrestling Horse of the Year at the 2018 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas last December, Professional Steer Wrestlers Tyler Pearson and Kyle Irwin wanted to put their winnings toward something special.
“Scooter had an amazing year,” says Pearson. “He has blessed Kyle and I more than we could ever imagine. We wanted to pay it forward. We decided to donate Scooter’s $5000 Horse of the Year check. Then we challenged our sponsors as well and have raised $19,500 dollars to donate to Watering Seeds Organization.”
Watering Seeds Organization creates rehabilitation and wellness opportunities for individuals with disabilities. With this money, those with disabilities will be given scooters for mobility.
Many sponsors including RCI Oilfield Services, 12-Gauge Ranch and Miller International did step up to support Scooter and the newly appropriately named venture: Scooters from Scooter
Where to next? Scooter can’t stay in Vegas. And rodeo guys don’t take a break. They celebrated the Christmas holidays and went right back to work. However, they wanted to keep Scooters from Scooter rolling.
TJ Hall, RCI Oilfield Services, and Pearson joined with Tejas Rodeo Company in Bulverde, Texas to hold a charity jackpot February 8-10, 2019 to feature open barrel racing, team roping and steer wrestling. This three-day event is open to the public, free of charge to spectators with proceeds once again benefitting Watering Seeds Organization.
To make it even more exciting, the top professional steer wrestlers; Tyler Pearson, 2017 World Champion and Tyler Waguespack, 2018 World Champion, will be teaming up against Justin Shaffer and Jacob Talley, for a Winner-Take-All $8,000 on four head of steers. This Sunday afternoon match will be like nothing ever seen before!
“We are fortunate to host this first annual event at Tejas”, says Tejas Rodeo Company co-owner Trey Martin. “Scooter is an amazing horse and to think these guys can do what they enjoy, make a little money and give back to a good cause is what rodeo and our western lifestyle is all about.”
Brady Mazzola, Watering Seeds Organization Founder and Philanthropist, couldn’t say enough about RCI 1st Annual Scooters from Scooter; “First we hear the guys are donating $5,000 to Watering Seeds, then their sponsors came with many more dollars, now to hear how RCI 1st Annual Scooters from Scooter is ready to do even more, we’re just amazed.” Mazzola added; “The individuals who receive these scooters will be able to grow mentally and physically all due to Scooter’s help.”
As a Steer Wrestling horse, that’s what Scooter does, carries guys like Pearson and Waguespack to world championships. Now he helps others too, and not just in Vegas.